Business and Technology Services
Contact Center Modernization
Contact Centers play a critical role in the overall delivery of an organization’s products and services. But the elements and systems used to support customers are fragmented.
The Ostiary team can help organizations transform their contact centers so that they become a seamless part of the product and service delivery.
Organizations have been moving towards making decisions evidence based and informed but often the data to support evidence based decisions is not always readily available.
The Ostiary team can help organizations establish the Data Management Infrastructure to collect , ingest, transform and make sense fo the data.
Discovery Management
Before a solution can be designed and built teams need to discover the real problems that need to be solved and the capabilities needed to solve the problem.
The Ostiary team can help organizations unpack the issues to get to the heart of the business problem and help determine the capabilities needed to address the problems.
Delivery MAnagement
After you have discovered the right problem you need to focus on and solve the delivery of the solution becomes the next critical phase of the transformation journey.
The Ostiary team can help organizations establish a streamlined and efficient delivery process that is optimized for speed and quality of the outcome.
As Organizations move towards evidence based decision making the need to discover the relevant patterns, critical insights, make the correct inferences and interpret the data correctly becomes key.
The Ostiary team can help organizations discover the hidden patterns, arrive at the key insights and convey these through good story telling.
Customer Experience
The quality of your customers experiences as they interact with your organization and the products and services from pre to post acquisition will pay a critical role in their adoption , retention and judgement about your products and services
The Ostiary team can help organizations analyze the customers experience and develop approaches to dramatically improve their experience.